Inner Humane Transformation

1). What Is Self-realisation?

The fundamental inner transformation leads to self-realisation and eventually to God-realisation. Self-realisation (atma-jnana or atmabodha) is the consciousness that one is the true self not identifiable with delusion, mental and material phenomena. Self-realisation is basically conquering your emotions. The goal of self-realisation is self-fulfilment with virtue and abundance.

The journey of self-realisation is deeply rooted in ancient spiritual traditions. In Hindu philosophy, particularly in texts like the Bhagavad Gita, self-realisation is synonymous with realizing the Atman (soul) and its unity with Brahman (the universal consciousness). The Bhagavad Gita teaches that self-realisation is achieved through practices like meditation, selfless action, and devotion, which help transcend the illusions of the material world (Maya) and the false self (Ahamkara).

The benefits of self-realisation are profound. It brings a sense of inner peace, clarity, and fulfilment. Individuals who have realized their true selves often exhibit compassion, wisdom, and a deep sense of purpose. They are less driven by external circumstances and more guided by an inner sense of direction.

In conclusion, self-realisation is a transformative journey that leads to the discovery of our true essence. It transcends the ego and societal conditioning, offering a pathway to inner peace and unity with the universe. Whether approached through spiritual, philosophical, or psychological practices, self-realisation remains a universal quest for truth and authenticity.

2). What is God-realisation?

“God-realisation means God-discovery, And God-discovery is nothing other than the reclaiming of one’s own Ancient God-roots.” – Sri Chinmoy

God-realisation means reunion with the Absolute power fusion of your inner soul and the super soul. The concept of ‘Saranagati’ or surrender of the ego to the Supreme’s Will is the highest form of devotion, regarded as the easiest path to self-realisation Saranagati.

This state of consciousness goes beyond intellectual comprehension or religious belief; it is an experiential union with the Absolute, the Infinite, or God.

Different traditions describe this experience in various ways, but common themes include the dissolution of the ego, the recognition of one’s true nature, and the direct perception of the interconnectedness of all existence.

Becoming God-realised is not a destination but a continual unfolding of consciousness. It requires a deep commitment to self-inquiry, introspection, and spiritual practice. As Lord Krishna suggests, seekers should seek guidance from enlightened beings who can illuminate the path towards God-realisation.

Meditation emerges as a potent tool on this journey, serving as a bridge between the finite and the infinite. Through meditation, individuals cultivate a direct communion with the divine, transcending the limitations of the mind and ego. The intensity of one’s longing for God, coupled with the grace of a spiritual master, paves the way for the realisation of the divine within.

3). What is Enlightenment?

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This is a philosophical term dating back to German Immanuell Kant’s concept of Enlightenment is man’s emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one’s own understanding without another’s guidance. Kant’s system is the doctrine of “transcendental idealism” which draws a distinction between subjective our sensorial experience of the observable world and the paranormal source of power. While transcendental idealism would be plausible it is not easily realisable except as a pragmatic level of transcendence.

Enlightenment enables children embrace divine qualities which they should be conscious of during the course of their dealing with peers, parents and people. We are witnessing what Einstein predicted years ago that “humanity is going to need a substantially new way of thinking if it is to survive!” (Albert Einstein) and so does India. Its raison d’etre (reason or purpose) for disregarding or disbelieving its own gem is enigmatic.

4). Why Does Your Child Need Sanskara?

Are you seriously concerned with raising a happy and successful child? It is assumed that for the majority of child-rearing parents bringing up a child with sanskara is a massive challenge. If parenting an average child is the world’s toughest job for parents just think what it takes to raisea cultured child who can be promising against the odds of today’s world.

Trying to impart values to today’s children is like trying to climb a mountain or to take a horse to the river and make it drink water. To reach its peak you require a combination of effort, commitment, enthusiasm determination and above all full attention. All parents without exception live and die yearning for a well-cultured or sanskari child – the ‘Holy Grail’ of mankind. Animals too go for the best. But it is not easily realisable even by the richest parents. This lingering question in most parents’ minds has been explored but with very little satisfaction.

Solutions entirely depend on your instinctive pro-action and reaction on two fronts; Instinctive response which doesn’t come automatically needs to be psychologically seeded, cultivated just like growing a plant, fostered and internalised.

5). What Is Sagacity?

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Sagacity is basically the sum of spiritual awakening, which enables you to inherit high-order wisdom that changes you by transforming your thoughts, calming your body and purifying your mind by getting your self activated and reconnected to the Higher Self, your creator, God or the Absolute omniscience, Visualise the movement inside or the sensations experienced within your integrated soul, mind and body. Informal sagacity recognises the integrated soul, mind and body from the formal sagacity of everyday situations of acknowledgement of the soul.

Sagacity is not limited to philosophical discourses it has practical applications in various domains, including leadership, governance, and everyday life. In leadership, sagacious individuals are valued for their ability to make strategic decisions, inspire trust, and guide others through uncertainty.

Their keen perception allows them to identify opportunities and risks, balancing short-term gains with long-term sustainability.

In conclusion, sagacity is a multifaceted virtue that combines intellectual acumen, perceptive insight, and prudent judgment. It is a timeless quality celebrated in philosophical traditions and essential in various aspects of life. Whether in leadership, governance, or personal endeavors, sagacity empowers individuals to make wise decisions, foresee potential outcomes, and navigate complexities with discernment and wisdom. Embracing sagacity involves continuous learning, self-reflection, and a commitment to understanding the deeper truths of existence, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and enlightened life.

Attributes of Being Sagacious

“Acuteness of mental discernment and soundness of judgment and the ability to understand complex ideas and situations. The ability to receive intuition, peak performances and hunches and tapping into the divine wisdom that prevails over the mind guide us to superior and benevolent initiatives.

Self-reflexivity where your mental decisions are vetted and vetoed by the divine power without which people tend to act spontaneously and impetuously when faced with a decision making situation.

This is simply because people’s minds become contaminated during their early years of childhood when they easily pick up unintelligible information which they adopt as their own software also infected with a virus.

The single source of all types of pollution is your contaminated minds, which need to be purified by ‘reformatting.’ Alvin Toffler has very succinctly described a literate person in the 21st century as: “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn,” because the digital age demands fast grasping of online content.

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Spiritual literacy will cognitively re-orient children to become wiser, discretionary, judicious, critical and inquisitive to develop a disposition to deal with the problems and challenges in their studies and work throughout their lives. To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society. –Theodore Roosevelt (Sagacity)

Possessing sagacity or being sagacious are both; a state, which can be acquired by practicing several skills. Most dictionaries define it as the ‘mental discernment’ as a common key adjective describing sagaciousness as ‘the quality of being sagewise or able to make good decisions; being perceptive, astute or insightful having the foresight, discernment, or a keen perception and the ability to make wise judgments.

(Cambridge English Dictionary). He/she possesses “acuteness of mental discernment and soundness of judgment and the ability to understand complex ideas and situations.” It relates to the highest order of wisdom that prevails over the mind which can lead to far superior and benevolent initiatives.

Being sagacious reinforces critical, cultural, creative, social, spiritual and moral development of learners. (4CSSM). This superseding skillset, started in in-class learning and teaching, can be boosted via online digital pedagogy for lifelong learning.

Sagaciousness is the super-normal and intuitively developed wisdom, not normally expected of a laymain which prompts responses, answers and suggestions to reach solutions harmoniously while avoiding friction. It is at the centre of your both ears. Focus on the silver particles and visualise the movement inside or the sensations experienced within your integrated soul, mind and body. Informal sagacity recognises the integrated soul, mind and body from the formal sagacity of everyday situation of acknowledgement of the soul.

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They are a must to encourage the emerging underworld of under-performers, drop outs, prisoners, juvenile delinquents, sex offenders, drug addicts, fraudsters, scroungers, cyber mafia and corporate criminals to open up to spirituality to benefit from imbibing values. Pulling up people to the spiritual level will delete the gap between two extremes; filthy rich and abject poor, who ironically are vying to co-exist in a world of abundance as implied by Sagan.

This deprivation has gravely disadvantaged learners during the critical phases of their formative years when they mostly needed spiritual dimension. It has to be stressed that continual deprivation of soul-based competencies has to stop. If it is allowed to continue it will take its toll on children’s performance because the mind’s cognitive skills are inadequate in fulfilling learners’ complex needs, which require transcendent competencies.

This deficit has scuppered (causing something such as a plan or an opportunity to fail) their learning, stressing them out, and holding them back from progressing.

Fast forward to the modern day poor education, search engines, glut of data, lightening data speed and discourses are playing havoc with children’s minds.

Consequently, children are left with their minds overloaded with unnecessary, harmful, meaningless or toxic information. This is having a depressive impact on their psychology, attitudes and dispositions, leaving them with overstretched, confused, polluted and inadequately informed minds creating resistance and psychological bias against spirituality.

Spiritual literacy has no substitute to boost children’s performance and confidence to tackle problems. Widely reported children’s underachievement is a testament to the failure of cognitive faculty in enabling them to surmount difficulties judiciously by applying sagacity.

Really speaking all these compounded challenges have only one single solution, that is to get spiritual and you will win not only the battles but eventually the war. So watch how you educate your mind. If you have tried your methods an have nowhere, it is time to adopt ours. Lend us your mind’s eyes and we will show you the right path for your children’s wellbeing.

6) Did You Know That Soul Is Suppressed By The Mind?

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The Master is constantly asked a common question – if the soul is so powerful as the sages claim why is it at the mercy of the mind? Why can’t defeat the power of the mind?The answer is simple and it can be explained using a prison example.

Imagine a police commissioner(soul) is jailed for an offence. He is sent to jail. He has lost his freedom of making decision and speech. He focuses his attention in winning back his freedom. He obeys the jail warden (mind) to win an early release. Similarly the soul has to put up with the penance happily without complaining. The soul is an inmate just like the jailed police commissioner. Such is the plight of a soul.

The emergence of SL is being increasingly recognised as indispensable, inclusive, unparalleled and overarching competency for aligning the current pedagogy to accommodate soul-oriented teaching. Deplorably SL still has not made it to school curriculum, which is needed to return children to their ‘default’ values and parameters.

The mind’s propensity to generate endless though,ts and desires creates a state of constant distraction. This state, often referred to as the “monkey mind” in Buddhist philosophy, prevents individuals from accessing the deeper, more serene levels of consciousness where the soul resides. Meditation, mindfulness, affirmation observing silence and restraining intelligence are advocated as methods to quiet the mind, allowing the soul’s presence to emerge.

It is our responsibility to map out a new pathway for effective, outcome-based, meaningful and rewarding knowledge for children by integrating a soul-based learning theory which a handful of countries around the world have done. Deprived of divine empowerment children have been struggling to support themselves with the biased, inadequacy and substandard education.

Did you know that the Soul is suppressed by the Mind? Many people wonder if the Soul is invincible and invulnerable why it is servile.

7) Why Should You Become Spiritually Literate?

The content of the handbook is classified in eight different topics which scaffold the conceptual framework of spiritual literacy: (a) cognitive, (b) non-cognitive -spiritual, (c) psychological, (d) philosophical, (e) neurological, biological and physiological, (f) technological, (g) rituals – Vedic sanskara including Garbhadhaan (scientific rituals to facilitate the auspicious welcoming of a soul in the family).

The course tracks humans’ itinerary from the time of single cell right through till our present form.

What are involved in cultivating spirituality and self-realisation?

It is important to understand the role of the following construct to promote spirituality; attention, spirituality, mind (conscious, unconscious and subconscious and superconsciousness), astral mind, universal mind, causal mind, affirmation, brain’s neuroplasticity, amygdala, hippocampus, reticular activating system, correlation of soul, mind and body, mapped to energy, causal and subtle, self-awareness, and meditation which are pivotal in understanding soul’s role in your life. Children need to grasp the concept of the inter-relationship and symbiosis of these solemn attributes relative to imbibing SL.

In short you want to become spiritually literate because it is only way to transform your being into divine. You will project yourself differently when you will become resplendent, bright and effulgent (Aujaswi, Tejaswi, Tapaswi and Varchaswi).

As you grow into spirituality discordant languages such as gossiping, backbiting, slandering, spreading falsehoods, disparaging talks and inciting hatred will disappear. SL stresses that divine orientation is essential to man’s lives and happiness particularly in the digital convergence era.

Spiritual literacy turns you into a ‘Polymath’ by enabling access the divine power. A polymath is someone known as a Universal Human who has extensive knowledge on a wide-ranging subjects and draws on complex bodies of knowledge to solve specific problems. You will become a divine co-worker to undertake to do what your Higher Self does. You will be extended beyond your five senses. The ultimate literacy is sourced to the soul which is integral and immanent in everyone. He is exposed to greater opportunities. Put it way he becomes a spiritual VIP to be accorded all divine privileges including the power and discretion to do what he wants.

You will see what others can’t unless they are also on the same wavelength. Its like adding invisible wings to their persona, psyche and ethos.

Exploring a new pathway for your children’s success and happiness in the digital era of the 21st century is contingent (conditional) upon a number of values, imperatives and conditions that can only from spiritual intelligence. Internally spiritually literate individuals instinctively reflect divine attributes because they will feel they will feel with a galore of what the Master calls Nine Jewels: love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, happiness, sagacity,patience, humility and chastity.

The development of the nine jewels is conditional upon regular spiritual practice. It creates the environment and re-orient your disposition towards a fulfilledand blissful life in the divine consciousness..

Your full Self, once self-awakened will manifest divine attributes. You will no longer be in the majority of people in the world who follow followers. You will cease to operate at a sub-standard mental and physical level. You will feel that you are not alone. Your bad habits, addictions and vices will fade away.

8) Your Brain Firewall Is A Godsend

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Solution to selecting is not a serendipity, (chance) because the Supreme who is the intelligent designer has pre-planned it. The multifunctional component RAS) was undiscovered over 50 years ago. It is “a network of neurons that runs through the core of the hindbrain and into the midbrain and forebrain” which runs upward through the thalamus in the centre of the brain and to the cerebral cortex.

How critical is the role of the RAS in streamlining incoming data or inputs that impacts our meditation? It is godsend information gatekeeper that works like a firewall used in a computer network to monitor and prevent unwanted or unauthorised entry. This makes it easier for us in the days of rapid data flow which overwhelms students. Its responsible for: (i) managing and processing your sensory inputs which involves filtering information, (ii) controlling an information and its other important duties as ‘attention control centre’ and (iii) making and breaking attention.

The RAS also plays a very significant role in meditation because it regulates conscious perception and deals with an overwhelming and incessant inflow of stimuli like images, sounds, smells, etc all the input from your senses. is responsible for arousal and consciousness. Without the filter your brains can succumb to excessive and continuous information overloading and may crash or hang just like a computer system.

How does the RAS help us maintain an awareness on your desired aims and preferences? We need to examine how we can exploit its facilities to hold on to our thoughts in such a disorderly and tumultuous world. In order to direct attention appropriately, one must attend to the relevant information, while neglecting irrelevant information to prevent becoming distracted.

This mental effort theory proposed by Kahneman provides an overview of the influences and interdependencies of attention allocation, which is meant to supplement attention selection models.

Attention humans process information with limited capacity and select information to be processed early. Due to this limited capacity, a selective filter is needed for information processing.

Further, goal-directed behaviour requires attention to be controlled; hence a high degree of selectivity is put forth in the information-processing stream.